vitamin c, paprika, fit

The Transformative Healing Benefits of Consuming Fruits and Greens

Dear readers on a mission to heal, 

I’m here to give you all a friendly and supportive reminder to eat your raw fruits and greens today!

Consuming alkaline-ash fresh ripe fruits, greens and herbs on a regular basis while avoiding acid-ash foods has countless benefits for the body, mind and spirit. It is extraordinary the beautiful healing power of these sweet and savory juicy alkaline electromagnetic gifts from planet Earth when one really commits to a professional detoxification and cellular regeneration full-body protocol.

Detoxification and cellular regeneration is the key that unlocks the door to feeling well after suffering with various chronic health symptoms, conditions, and dis-ease. Once the physical and emotional blockages/stagnation can be gently removed through the body’s natural process of cleansing with the support of living raw foods, then incredible healing can take place. In the process of my recovery I became Certified as a Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner to further delve into my mission to help people and this planet heal from the toxic lifestyles that cause immense suffering. Healing is truly possible whether you are chronically or acutely ill, as witnessed on myself and so many others. 

On this extraordinary path of natural healing I have created many detoxification protocols for myself and for others personalized to the body’s history of symptoms and genetics along with the levels of acidosis and stagnation within each individual. Within each person’s detoxification healing protocol there should always remain the vital focus of eliminating toxic chemicals, heavy metals, unwanted pathogens, and mucous stagnation from the body through each of the many eliminatory pathways. This is where fruits, greens, and specific herbs step into to open up these pathways and strengthen tissue structure function.

That is why thriving on raw vegan colorful diet of fruits, greens along with herbal protocols I have created for myself over the past 3+ years (after becoming chronically ill from a meat-based acidic diet years ago) has brought me many health benefits including:

-more energy

-more inner peace 

-more vitality

-increased ease of running, swimming, hiking, and other physical activities

-stabilized blood pressure (used to be too low)

-stabilized blood sugar levels (used to have swings)

-much better digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination (used to have malabsorption issues)

-increased hair growth (no longer losing lots of hair)

-stronger nails (no longer brittle with white spots)

-better balance and posture

-more lightness and feeling of ease within my body (used to have pains)

-increased strength of my muscles and neurological system

-increased neurotransmitter/hormone production with strengthening endocrine glands

-increased elasticity and fluidity in joints

-increased resilience to challenges

-increased connection to inner self

-increased intuitive resonance, synchronicities, and apiphanies

-increased ability to connect to the Earth in stillness and presence

-increased connection and love of the sacred wilderness and animals 

-a magnetic energetic pull towards tropical fruits and the tropics (our origins)

-increased focused on what is beautiful, positive, possible, and good in this world

-increased ability to manifest abundance, love, health and joy

-increased compassion, sincerity, and warmth I share with myself and others

-increased confidence in myself and empowerment

-increased body awareness and body positivity

-increased faith and trust in the body’s ability to cleanse and heal itself from stagnation, toxicity, and acidosis : the core of all dis-ease 

Cleansing and removing putrefying built-up stagnant waste within the bowels and cells through proper elimination and cellular hydration is one of the keys of true vibrant health which is founded on learning about the original non-complex art of detoxification. Having a personalized raw vegan protocol tailored to the weaknesses within your body as well as past lifestyle/eating habits history is a huge step towards health and vitality. As a result many feel wonderful improvement in their health all while being able to help the planet and animals on this lifestyle focused on wellness, holistic living, sustainability, ethics, and overall compassion.

This is a worth-while process comprised of natural waves, and ups and downs as the body moves through healing the layers of weakened, stagnant and sickened cells, organs, glands, and connective tissues. This is the natural holistic journey of life in the form of healing episodes. With joyfulness, challenges, lessons, blessings, falls and getting back up out of the emotional blockages and addictions that hold many back. Be patient, be kind to yourself, trust in your cell’s inner healing abilities, knowing, presence, potential, love and wisdom. 

We at Heal Empowered are here to help guide you through this life-enriching transformative process by offering holistic health consultations and regenerative protocols based on the original natural whole-body healing principles of living foods and botanicals tailored to your body’s state of health, needs and dreams. We also offer 1-month meal plan guides in order to help you either to transition to a plant-based/vegan lifestyle or to a fully raw vegan regenerative lifestyle. We list the specific superfoods shown to be naturpathically beneficial to the specific health goal listed on our detox program meal plan options. We focus on strengthening cellular function and structure as well as improving the key health branches of proper digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination. We are passionate to co-create your journey of wellness with you by recommending what foods to avoid and by choosing the specific fruits, greens, and herbal formulas that will help enliven your body, spirit, and mind.

Feel free to contact me by email or through the consultation form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I am here to support you and to help you reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered

Here’s to real wellness, vitality, energy and healthy living! Here’s to cleansing and eliminating what holds you back from thriving and feeling health on a daily-basis! Here’s to taking the life-changing inspiring step towards holistic self-care towards the path of nature’s way! 

May my story of healing and this quest for holistic knowledge inspire you and yours

With love, empathy, and compassion for all those struggling with their health,

Anett (Certified Cellular Regeneration and Detoxification Practitioner/Specialist)

Disclaimer: The contents of Heal Empowered such as the text contained on this website (“Content”) are for informational and educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Neither the information nor the products on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.

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