tree, nature, wood

The Light Within You and All Beings

Dear readers on a mission to heal,

The light within me sees, cherishes and embraces the light within you

Beloveds, hold onto that Light, blissful fascination, and pure passionate fire within your spirit. It is the most resilient strong needed healing force on this planet. It exists deep within innately in all. Capable to heal traumatic wounds, tension, stress, fighting, anxiety, hatred, division, fear, loneliness, disempowerment, dispair, and the heaviness of shadows. Remember, that no one or nothing can destroy the Light that we have been birthed from. It is not tangible or material for it to shatter into pieces or for it to be robbed from you. It is the essence of all Life within all cells of the physical and energetic body yearning for itself in a mountainous wavey dance of living and breathing in harmony with our spirit. Many people have just forgotten and strayed away from themselves, the wilderness, holistic health and spirituality, and are now being called back home to this light, truth, peace, wellness, and passionate fire within their hearts, souls, and the wilderness.

Hold onto that inner sense of joyful bliss and awe that you remember feeling as a child and adult when you stepped barefoot onto the warm sand for the first time, witnessed a spectacularly blossiming flower, stood on the edge of a stunningly magnificent landscape view, watched a firey sunset beyond the horizon of the lake or ocean, felt the sun and wind invigorate your bare skin, walked amongst a divinely ancient forest, swam in the cooling waters of this planet, observed and witnessed wildlife in presence without pretense, danced and ran free amongst the tall grasses, smelled the fresh rain-kissed air breathing in deeply the Earth’s ozone, and cried tears of joy being somewhere or with someone that invoked a feeling of such enchantment, romanticism, and Love. These are the simple heart centered aligning synchronistic moments that truly matter in the grand scheme of things

Hold onto all things sacred and divine that still exist on this planet. I am sitting here in silent awe remembering within my cellular memory everything beautiful that I have ever witnessed in nature and in every moving moment. I feel it so deeply. It is magic, enchanting, and true. It is otherworldly, connecting, vulnerable, divine, and breathtaking. I remind myself that as much as there is corruption, deceit, lies, sickness, and heaviness on this planet there is brilliance, beauty, light, peace, health, and lightness on this planet waiting for you to witness, reconnect, integrate, and love it within the crevasses of your soul that have been unnurtured. The remedies are not in toxic thinking, eating, systems, media outlets, consumerism, medicine, and products. But in the wonderous nature and the natural lifestyle of simplicity, presence, stillness, heart coherance, and fruits and greens. When you search chaotically for answers in complex analytical thinking, intellectualism, in politics, in complex addictive foods/alcohol/drugs, in government or industry systems, in restrictions or mandates, in the mind created indocrinations and fear programming- remember this: a reconnection to our innermost Light and other’s Light is the answer to everything because therein reside the truths, peace, health, abundance, love, and connection we all yearn for. It is already here waiting to be awakened, nurtured and held in gratitude, blissful fascination, and expansion. Sitting or laying in the sunlight with your palms over your heart deeply breathing feeling gratitude for this planet and feeling the innermost Light and Love of your passionate soul and those around you is a beautiful place to start this practice

One of the first steps to true holistic healing begins with this remembrance of our sacredness and worthiness. That we are beings worthy of feeling well, joyful, and energized again reconnecting to that essence of energy within all hearts and souls that has only been blocked and disconnected from due to years of self-sabotage in the form of unhealthy diets, behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. I am here to help you and the collective to align with the self-healing mechanisms within all bodies once provided with the proper nourishing foods, practices, and informed understanding on how the body functions as one cohesive collection of cells and fluids. Healing is for every body and every heart even those that have been misaligned, wounded, broken, and ailed in chronic suffering. Healing IS the way towards a feeling of liberated happiness and innate potential that we all have a beautiful right to feel.

Feel free to contact me by email or through the consultation form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I am here to support you and to help you reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered

With nature’s way within all beings,

Anett (Certified Cellular Regeneration and Detoxification Practitioner/Specialist)

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