Fruits and Greens Help Make Dreams Reality

Stepping into a healing alkaline lifestyle is a catalyst to living a life that’s more fulfilling, energetic, experiential, and in alignment to our healthy desires and dreams. One steps out of just living and into THRIVING. Thanks to consuming an abundance of raw fruits and greens for the past 5+ years I am even able to travel on long roadtrips and be active outdoors. Raw plant-based foods, specifically fruits, and sticking with a longterm personalized herbal protocol truly are a gateway to a fulfilling life of abundant potential and beautiful experiences. It is incredible the healing power of eating in alignment with our species specific diet that is based on the human body’s biology, anatomy, physiology, and chemistry. Partaking in detoxification and cleansing over the years and removing the subpar foods and lifestyle that created toxemia in my life (and cells) has brought me the ability to witness the marvels of this world. The past few years I have been able to hike the wild mountains, swim and travers through rivers, tent camp in the wilderness for days, swim in the ocean for hours and dance along the shores, kayak amongst the mangroves and tropical forests, snorkel in fresh springs, practice yoga and meditation on stunning beaches, spend memorable moments with loved ones, and drive for hours to the next destination. This was not always my reality for many years, as my body was burdened with adrenal and neurological fatigue – and the various awful symptoms that go along with this. Years ago when I lived a junk food and meat based lifestyle and did not take good care of my body, mind and spirit I suffered the consequences. I was not at all able to travel to witness beauty in a vessel of an active body nor live in vibrance, energy, and wellness that all of us are worthy to feel and experience in this bountiful life. Now that a lot of my dreams are being actualized as a blessing of stepping into healing empowered, I dream for others to transform their suffering, pain, and fatigue into the energy they desire to bring their dreams into practice and fruition.

My life was not at all always like this. For many years it was spent at home, in bed, and dreaming to be freed from chronic symptoms. I was too exhausted, fatigued, weak and in pain. I spent many days in bed with chronic fatigue and chronic weak adrenals with no energy to even leave the house. That was my reality. But I knew it wasn’t my destiny. I knew in my soul and heart that I had much more in life to experience, see, feel, learn and travel to. My life was not meant to be over even though some days it felt like it was the end. Through dedication, inspiration, focus, detoxification, immense education and learning about true holistic health, as well as applying a natural lifestyle am I able to travel in joy, spontaneity, while active outdoors blessed in gratitude. This was not handed to me. This was not a magic quick fix. I learned that quality of recovery is much more profound than speedy recovery that does not address the true cause of suffering beyond the many layers of symptoms. I had many days of suffering and sorrow going from doctor to doctor and from protocol to protocol wanting to get well fast. Sometimes it felt unbearable. Sometimes all hope was lost. It was scary and challenging. When I was met with the true keys and tools to healing though full-body detoxification based on the original natural methods of cleansing and cellular regeneration, it took dedication, focus, empowerment and work to get to where I am. There is no miracle pill to feel truly well. It takes choice and intention of wellness. I helped create my reality today with the decision to delve into a holistic body-tuned personalized protocol and choose true health and with that doors opened to now fulfilling adventures in mamma Nature.

It is truly remarkable what health can bring into one’s life. What a blessing it is to be granted a second chance at not only life buy Living! It’s never too late to change around your lifestyle and life path and foster true health, wellness, light and abundance. The most pivotal life changing moment in my life was when I was in bed desperate to find a way out of intense suffering and sickness and read about the nourishing aspects of fruits – how vital fruit sugar is to the human body’s cells, organs, glands and tissues for optimal function and energy. That day I applied a truly healing simple diet and lifestyle along with following a personalized in depth herbal protocol was the day true healing became a catalyst to manifest possibilities. Since my remarkable transformation, I have been helping many friends, family members and clients along the way to reclaim health and feel empowered in their body’s self healing mechanisms in alignment with this Earth’s foods and herbal medicinals. This is truly a mission to inspire detoxification and wellness within the hearts and minds of others through reconnection to what sacred nature has to offer in compassion, gratitude, and care of Life. Much more is possible in your life than you can even imagine – and so much of that can be found in your daily choices, decisions, patterns, and beliefs. You are a powerful co-creator and alchemist of stepping into your empowered health.

As a Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner I thoroughly enjoy writing personalized detailed food (along with recipes) and herbal protocols for my clients that are specific to their exact health symptoms, needs, and goals. I specialize in helping heal/cleanse the root causes of adrenal fatigue, neurological damage and weaknesses, chronic pains, vertigo, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, digestive imbalances and weaknesses, liver damage/fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney weakness, poor circulation and lymphatic drainage, and so much more. I use the original methods of a holistic approach in order to support multiple organs and body systems at once because they are interconnected in constant support of one another. When one system is down then most likely other organs, glands, and tissues may be weakened as well and need that synchronistic support from the herbs. Chronic and systemic acidosis can be found throughout the body and so it is important to detoxify, strengthen, and regenerate the body holistically. Proper digestion, absorption and utilization of nutrients and energy is key as well as proper elimination of cellular wastes, acids, and toxins from the body. This is what I delve into and focus on in depth with my clients for long-term real wellness to be unlocked.

Feel free to contact me by email ( or through the consultation contact form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as a detoxification guide and information on the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I also provide health and emotional coaching and support during the course of the cleanse. I am here to support you compassionately and to help guide you to reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control and ownership of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered. To help make your beautiful and abundant dreams come true so you can step into your higher Self, potential, abilities, talents, joys, and mission in life.

In natural empowered wellness and love,

Anett (Owner of Heal Empowered, and Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner)

Disclaimer: The contents of Heal Empowered such as the text contained on this website (“Content”) are for informational and educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or a health emergency you may be experiencing. Neither the information nor the products on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. The contents are here to educate, inspire, motivate, and offer guidance in alignment with personal responsibility rooted in empowerment and sovereignty.

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