Green Juice Made From My Organic Garden Veggies

There is not much more rewarding, nourishing, and fulfilling than eating and drinking right from the Earth! The process of preparing/nurturing the soil with compost, planting seeds, watering the seedlings/sprouts, caring for the land, watching the plants grow and flourish, and harvesting the fruits and veggies for a meal or juice is absolutely life enriching. Over the years of my organic food gardening journey I have made abundant delicious salads, juices, and smoothies with my harvests which has been a wonderful catalyst in my own healing. Here in this photo I made a raw green juice using lots of organic kale and organic spinach from my vegan garden, and I also added in celery, cucumber, citrus, apple. It tasted so divinely fresh, nutrient rich, and grounding – as I connect to my backyard land and the hard work I have put into it in this profound way. Permaculture food gardening has played a big role in my holistic wellness over the years and can in yours as well! And so I always recommend people plant what they can where they can. I have a passion in helping people heal their own bodies through nature immersion tools and practices which include tending to the land and growing organic produce. These practices offer abundant fruitful benefits to the body, mind, ecosystems, and communities.

The beautiful benefits of growing one’s own organic food:

๐ŸŒฟFood soverignty and food security (Even if your garden doesn’t provide all of your produce, it can provide some important nourishment weekly during the growing season. Also, with the increaseing food prices and use of chemicals, and lack of food security saving seeds and growing food is a vital step towards reclaiming our soverignty and health. Food gardening is a vital skill to have in these changing uncertain times)

๐ŸŒฟIncreased raw living foods intake and healing (Can inspire you to eat more raw veggies, herbs and fruits plucked right from the garden, since they taste even more flavorful raw. Garden salads, smoothies and juices are delicious! And are great for full body detoxification and cleansing of toxins, acids, mucous, heavy metals, and support cellular regeneration)

๐ŸŒฟIncreased nutrient intake and wellness (Organic freshly harvested local produce is much more ample in vital living enzymes, vitamins, minerals and Earth prana energy for optimal health and vitality. The more organically fresh one’s produce is the more it can benefit the organs, glands, and tissues to heal their structure and function, instead of impede on it from any synthetic chemicals.

๐ŸŒฟEating more produce instead of junk food (Being excited about growing and consuming one’s own fruits, greens, and herbs leaves less room in the day (and stomach) to consume processed unhealthy junk foods which indirectly creates a more healthy body and life. One of the steps of healing from chronic conditions is replacing one meal at a time with a healthier, alkaline, vibrant version of that meal

๐ŸŒฟReconnection to the local land (Caretaking land brings us closer to the ecosystem and wildlife uniting us with the wise laws of nature, teaching us the nurturing and respect of this Earth)

๐ŸŒฟReconnection to our ancestry (Brings us closer to our ancestral roots of foraging/harvesting for food, and consuming produce straight from the soil, instead of from the store shelves)

๐ŸŒฟKnowing exactly how the food is grown (When we grow our own organic fruits and greens, we know that no toxic chemical/pesticide/herbicide was sprayed onto it which would damage the integrity of the food and our health)

๐ŸŒฟReclaiming control over the food supply chain (When we and our community take part in planting, watering, caring for and harvesting of produce locally then we are reclaiming our ability to decide what, where, when, how, and why food is grown. This is empowering to have more say in this process)

๐ŸŒฟSupport of local ecosystem and overall Earth wellness (Local gardens help support soil health, pollinators, birds/other wildlife, and increased green space which helps keep nature happy and in balance. Also, putting less money and support of the modern agricultural industries means less forests/ecosystems are destroyed for monoculture food crops)

๐ŸŒฟ Overall improvement of health (Physical, emotional, & spiritual health greatly improves spending more time outdoors in the sun, barefoot on the Earth, with loved ones, consuming fresh fruits and greens – focusing on a passion/hobbie project instead of screens)

I would love to help anyone get started on their organic garden and health journey! โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒฑ I provide nature-immersion tools and practices in the detoxification protocols specific to a person’s interests and goals. Feel free to contact me through email ( or through the contact form on this website for more guidance! As a Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner and Certified Family Herbalist, with a University degree in Environmental Studies, my truest mission/passion in this Life my spirit has chosen is to share the wisdom, tools, practices, knowledge, experience and awareness that have been the catalysts in my own natural healing to help guide others in their true healing. I can also offer tools and advice on starting out your organic garden journey to grow herbs, veggies and fruits to be used in your holistic cleansing health protocol. Combining this knowledge can be super empowering, uplifting and life-saving for our bodies, the Earth, + humanity as a holistic system!

In natural empowered wellness and love,

Anett (Owner of Heal Empowered, and Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner)

Disclaimer: The contents of Heal Empowered such as the text contained on this website (โ€œContentโ€) are for informational and educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or a health emergency you may be experiencing. Neither the information nor the products on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. The contents are here to educate, inspire, motivate, and offer guidance in alignment with personal responsibility rooted in empowerment and sovereignty.

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