The Empowered Mission To Heal



At Heal Empowered we compassionately advocate the incredible empowerment that one reclaims when aligning with a healthy lifestyle of consuming raw living foods, juices, and the healing elements of nature. We firmly know through vast experience and education that realignment and reconnection to nature’s path beautifully guides people towards the ability to heal chronic and acute ailments as well as restore a sense of vitality, energy, and life purpose. We believe that every body has an innate right to unlock the simplistic originally natural full-body methods of true healing – by understanding the body as an interconnected system of functions and structures of cells that thrive in harmony and synchronicity when consuming the proper energy in the form of positive daily food habits, thoughts, actions, and overall lifestyles. We are here to help you finally take charge and ownership of your health in ways that are simple, natural, delicious, and aligned with our species specific diet.

Anett, the Founder and Owner of Heal Empowered is a Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner/Specialist. After suffering immensely with various chronic dis-eases of the body from misaligned diet and lifestyle, she has reclaimed her life and innate potential to live a truly fulfilling life of wellness and energy. The various chronic symptoms did not begin to heal/eliminate until she removed foods that created the acidosis, lymphatic stagnation, kidney and adrenal weakness, and improper digestion, assimilation, utilization, and elimination (the core reason behind many modern day chronic ailments) and implemented a personalized herbal botanical protocol and abundant colorful foods that create alkalinity and promote proper elimination within the body. With the right education, knowledge, tools, passion, and commitment to cleansing and regenerating our bodies it no doubt became her mission to help other’s and the planet heal naturally with the power of raw foods, superfoods and herbal botanicals. She has started Heal Empowered in order to spread the awareness of the incredible detoxification lifestyle aligned with the human anatomy, biology, and physiology that many people have become disconnected from. This core base of nature-tuned knowledge and simplistic practical application in one’s daily choices is a beautiful step to heal in a way that is empowered in order to feel empowered in one’s own life; reclaiming our innate right to health and wellness.


Anett has been on a passionate and educated mission to help guide others to the path of body sovereignty and self-healing nature-made tools through offering supportive professional and reliable phone consultations, detailed holistic detoxification food and herbal botanical protocols (which can be found under the ‘Consultations & Protocols’ tab), and free educational articles (which can be found under the ‘Blog’ tab). We also offer inspiring sustainable bags, attire, stickers and magnets to help advocate for and bring awareness to the abundant raw frugivorous lifestyle (which can be found under the ‘Shop’ tab). We are also in the process of writing an ebook and guide in order to help guide people towards transitioning into a raw vibrant lifestyle as well as provide detox-compliant recipes for added support and delicious healing meal options (which can be found under the ‘Meal Plan Guides’ tab). Over the past many years we have transformed our health in incredible ways aligned with the raw food lifestyle focused on proper skin, kidney, and bowel elimination, detoxification of intracellular stagnation, and cellular strengthening and regeneration. We warmly welcome you to also experience the abundance of unlocking this potential. 


When a person is willing to be provided with the right holistic healing tools, information, inspiration, and guidance to help remind and reconnect them to their body’s incredible ability to self-heal when cared for in alignment with our species specific diet and lifestyle. And when healing then takes place physically, emotionally, and even spiritually co-created from that understanding and application of living in resonance and respect to our body’s anatomy, physiology, chemistry, and structure function. This is what it means to heal empowered. A way to take empowered charge and ownership of one’s life situation/chronic suffering and focus on a solution-building mindset and behaviors that bring forth real long-term healing. A way to reclaim one’s health, joy, energy, consumption choices, and life back into one’s own compassionate hands. This is how we help heal ourselves, humanity, planet Earth and the essence of all life. This is what it takes to feel empowered in the wisdom, truth, healing potential, joy, and nature alignment that has been locked away for far too long. This yearning to bring this beautiful feeling of health and life empowerment from Anett’s incredible healing experience into the hands of others is what founded Heal Empowered and everything we stand by. You have an innate right and worthiness to step out of suffering and into abundant nature-made health. The step towards liberation from chronic dis-ease begins with a life-changing choice.  We are here to gladly support you when you will be ready to make that choice into the healing journey.

smoothies, fruit, fruits


Raw foods are packed with living enzymes, hydration, whole nutrition, flavonoids, biophotons, electromagnetic energy, alkalinity, astringent detoxification and cleansing properties, and a wide range of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids all to support your body’s systems and cellular function for vibrant healing and elimination of toxic waste including acids, heavy metals, mucous, pathogens, mucoid plaque, and synthetic chemicals. Raw foods along with a personalized herbal botanical protocol (for added support and regenerative power) is the key to eliminating cellular blockages, mucous, and stagnation; helping cleanse the root cause of many ailments. Raw foods don’t mask/bandaid symptoms; instead they help support the body’s biological structures and functions of organs, glands, tissues, and fluids to self-heal and self-recover properly as nature intended.

Our holistic health consultations and personalized detoxification protocols can help those with:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Body and/or joint pain
  • Poor digestion (including IBS, IBD, SIBO, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s, stomach ulcers, heartburn, and overall malabsorption, diarrhea, bloating and/or constipation)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Adrenal burnout/fatigue
  • Neurological and brain conditions (including MS)
  • Poor Circulation and temperate regulation (including cold hands and feet)
  • Coagulated blood and susceptibility to blood clotting
  • Diabetes (1 and 2)
  • Insulin resistance
  • Kidney weakness
  • High blood pressure or low blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Edema
  • Tumor growth
  • Liver damage/cirrhosis 
  • Pancreatitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Weak connective tissues (including frequent muscle strains/tears, broken bones, spider veins, muscle loss, brittle teeth and nails)
  • Hair loss
  • Heightened anxiety, anger, depression, and mood swings
  • Fibromyalgia, lupus, lyme, and other chronic dis-eases
  • And more! Because the root cause of most dis-ease stems from full-body acidosis, toxicity, and lymphatic stagnation causing specific cells/places of the body to degenerate and weaken no longer being able to function and eliminate waste optimally

We focus on holistically boosting the key elements of the body including kidney, endocrine gland, lymphatic, digestive, muscular/skeletal and circulatory functions of the body. Our personalized food and herbal botanical protocols are detailed and focused to optimize heart, brain, liver/pancreas, kidney, adrenal/endocrine gland, stomach/bowel, muscle, lymphatic, and immune function. The tools to the art of healing are simplistic and natural accessible to all that are willing to join the hundreds of thousands of people that have reclaimed their health physically, mentally and emotionally with the Earth’s gifts of raw fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Help support the wellness of your body, the planet, the animals, and the collective through learning about and incorporating the detoxification lifestyle in order to truly heal empowered.




Our holistic services at Heal Empowered are founded on our mission to reconnect the human frugivore to the environment and to nature’s way. We provide you with what nature and the body system has taught us in order to offer empowering alkaline tools, inspiration, knowledge, awareness, guidance, and personalized protocols based on your body’s symptoms and needs to help you take back control of your health and ability to enjoy life again. All in alignment with the vital nature of this planet that has been a key catalyst in recovering the body and soothing the spirit and mind throughout our healing process. Nature’s immense wisdom has taught us that the planet and the body are wise self-healing systems when cleansed and provided with the proper nature-aligned elements. Our passion for health and the planet goes hand in hand in the cleansing of the body and Earth synergistically to co-create real holistic wellness. With the determination to help cleanse and heal the ecosystems of the body in unison with the ecosystems of the planet in order to create a cleaner and more holistic environment to thrive internally and externally for all Life we invite you on this transformative path. Our unique services are founded by the original laws of nature; living in alignment and accordance to them, our biology, and our species specific diet in order to create a healthier reality for all life. At Heal Empowered we truly believe that every body deserves to feel what nature’s gifts of radiant health feels like. We are here when you are ready.

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