You may order a PersonalizedĀ Detoxification Healing Protocol which includes an educational phone consultation, holistic health coaching,Ā and personalized food + herbal botanical full-body detoxification healing protocol tailored to your body’s specific health symptoms, needs, and goals all based on theĀ original, natural and simple methods ofĀ plantfulĀ regenerative healing

Learn About Heal Empowered's
Certified Detoxifcation and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner

A compassionate hello to those ready to feel nourished by real health

Anett is Heal Empowered’s skilled, experienced, and highly educated Founder, Owner and Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner/Specialist. She is also a Certified Family Herbalist Practitioner. She was officially certified after completing her studies at the renowned schools; International School of Detoxification and The School of Natural Healing. In 2013 she also received a Bachelorā€™s University degree in Environmental Studies with high honors, where she specialized in environmental health in order to study and research the ill effects of synthetic chemicals/pollution in the environment to our bodies and ecosystems. Anett views the human body as an intricate ecosystem that yearns for natural homeostasis, nature-tuned support, and cleansing for proper functioning as one cohesive interconnected biological and energetic system. She has been passionate about true holistic healing for many years, especially after she went on a passionate mission to heal herself naturally of various chronic symptoms that were holding her back from living fully, joyfully, and well. Along the way she has supported and helped inspire many friends, family members, acquaintances, and other clients to cleanse the path of their true radiant potentials and wellness by applying the original natural methods of full-body healing.

Anett wants to provide the hope, empowerment and reclamation of health, energy, vitality, and joy to all those she meets. Any body can heal and feel energy again with the right protocol and fuel from Earthā€™s living foods and natural medicines. Her main focus and speciality is teaching and helping clients delve into the process of detoxifying the cells of their body and fostering proper cellular elimination and regeneration with the help of raw foods, fasting, and herbal botanicals. Anett teaches the importance of improving kidney filtration to help the body eliminate toxins, pathogens/fungus, acids, mucous, and any lymphatic stagnation that is impeding the body from its ability to heal itself from chronic dis-ease. She also specializes in healing adrenal fatigue, endocrine imbalances, and neurological weakness. Her incredible, passionate, and intuitive knowledge of healing by safely detoxifying the body as one holistic interconnected system of fluids (blood and lymph) and cells (the structure function of each system) is what makes her a uniquely important practitioner in the field of natural medicine.Ā 

What is also unique is that Anett doesnā€™t push any fad diets or complex isolated supplements ā€“ she is a practitioner that has aligned with the original, simple, natural, and most powerful methods of full-body healing in alignment with our biological, anatomical, and psychological needs as a human species. Reconnecting with our species specific diet is one of the fundamental keys to real wellness ā€“ not any bandaid coverup or treatment which suppresses symptoms temporarily. She focuses on getting to the foundational core of real health. In every detailed food and herbal botanical protocol she writes for her clients she focuses on strengthening digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination because those are key elements in regenerating weakened and damaged tissue. Anett also makes sure to help clients implement strategies to combat and release junk food cravings, emotional blockages/traumas, and the programs/diet myths that hold us back from properly healing and feeling joy again. She emphasizes reconnecting with our natural roots and to this planet Earth in order to reconnect with our bodies, selves, and cells as one holistic ecosystem that should be cared for and honored with vibrant, nourishing, and cleansing nutritious real foods.

Nature and the body is a remarkable healer when we tap into its guidance and gifts. Anett would be thrilled to talk to you in a health consultation, be your holistic health coach, and write a personalized full-body detoxification food and herbal botanical protocol tailored to your health symptoms, needs, and goals based the phone consultation and health written assessment ā€“ which can be purchased on this page below. Backed by natureā€™s way and energetic living foods for Life!

In naturally empowered health and love,


9 Years

Of Health Education & Experience
And many happy, energized, and healthy clients

Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner

From the International School of Detoxification (and currently in school for a Lymphatic Iridology Certification)

Certified Family Herbalist Practitioner

From The School of Natural Healing

2 University Degrees

Specializing in Environmental
and Human Health

What Is Included in the
Holistic Consultation and Protocol?

Health Consultation, Personalized Detox Protocolā€‹, and Coaching


1 hour in-depth educational phone health consultation with Heal Empowered's Owner Anett- a Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner/Specialist - to determine your health challenges, needs, and goals

Personalized Protocol

Detailed written personalized 1-month weekly food (with many healing alkaline recipes), herbal botanical detoxification protocol and step-by-step educational cleansing guide with helpful tips

Support and Coaching

Compassionate support and holistic coaching during the course of your protocol to help guide you, inspire you, and motivate you in the cleansing process along with answering your questions

Why Does It Work?

The phone health assessment, consultation, and protocol focuses on the original, simple, powerful, and natural cellular regenerative methods of lymphatic cleansing, bowel cleansing, kidney filtration, and strengthening of all organs, glands, and tissues for supporting proper digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination for whole-body healing. Instead of suppressing/treating symptoms, we get to the core of eliminating the toxicities/acids causing the dis-ease, while targeting, supporting, and healing all of the organs, glands, and tissues of the body holistically. This process turns on and supports the body’s self-healing and self-cleansing mechanisms, ultimately creating a state of vibrant freeing health, wellness, and ease within the body. All with the help of a nourishing proper vibrant diet, specific herbal botanicals and detoxification techniques and modalities which will be explained in detail in each protocol

I, Anett, look forward to hearing from you and helping to compassionately guide, educate, inspire, and support you towards a path of alkaline vibrant empowered wellness!

Our Holistic Protocols Help Those With:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Body and/or joint pain
  • Poor digestion (including IBS, IBD, SIBO, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s, stomach ulcers, heartburn, and overall malabsorption, diarrhea, bloating and/or constipation)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Adrenal burnout/fatigue
  • Neurological and brain conditions (including MS)
  • Mold toxicity and chemical sensitivities
  • Poor Circulation and temperate regulation (including cold hands and feet)
  • Insomnia
  • Coagulated blood and susceptibility to blood clotting
  • Diabetes (1 and 2)
  • Insulin resistance
  • Kidney weakness
  • High blood pressure or low blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Edema, swelling, and/or inflammation
  • Tumor growth
  • Liver damage/cirrhosisĀ 
  • Pancreatitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Weak connective tissues (including frequent muscle strains/tears, broken bones, spider veins, muscle loss, brittle teeth and nails)
  • Hair loss and brittle nails
  • Heightened anxiety, anger, depression, and mood swings
  • Fibromyalgia, lupus, lyme, and other chronic dis-eases
  • And more! Because the root cause of most dis-ease stems from full-body acidosis, toxicity, and lymphatic stagnation (along with genetic weaknesses) causing specific cells/places of the body to degenerate and weaken no longer being able to function and eliminate waste optimally

Inspiring Testimonials

Read what Anett’s clients say about taking empowered charge of their wellbeing by implementing her nature-tuned healing tools and personalized protocols

"Getting a personalized detoxification protocol from Anett based on my health needs and goals, and incorporating a cleaner lifestyle with ample fruits, vegetables, and herbs has drastically improved my health in many ways. Anett's advice, guidance and written protocol has helped heal many of the uncomfortable symptoms that held me back for years. It is never too late to receive support through a personalized healing protocol. I learned new fascinating things about the body's detoxification process that I never knew before. I am in my 60's and thanks to fresh raw juices, smoothies, meals, and specific herbal botanicals recommended for me in my protocol I have more energy, more vitality, I have lost unwanted weight, and I have more passion to live a holistically natural life in support of my body and the earth. Truly, what a transformational lifestyle shift towards self-love, ethics, and tasty nutritious eating! Anett is an incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and passionate practitioner!"
cactus, tropical, tropics
Make-Up Artist
"During my health consultation with Anett, a lot of things starting to make sense as to why I had the symptoms that I had in relation to the mucous forming acidic heavy diet that I was consuming. She has a wealth of information to share about the lifestyles that lead to the stagnation, acidosis, mucous build-up, and poor elimination within the body's systems. As well as shedding light onto what and how detoxification works exactly. She supported and inspired me in the important initial step towards eating a more whole and raw diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, and botanicals. Her inspiring dedication to this living foods lifestyle is exactly what helped me ditch the toxic lifestyle I was leading. Thanks to her teaching, protocol, and incorporating a diet full of raw foods my blood pressure is within great range again, I am no longer diabetic, I have lost unwanted weight, and my energy has increased. I have also been able to stop taking all of my medications that were making me feel more sick and lousy. I will continue to stick to this plan, because I truly feel it working. I now always recommend this lifestyle and a health consultation with Anett to my friends and family"
palm leaves, fronds, palm trees
Motor Carrier

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