Planting, Harvesting and Drying Medicinal Herbs

Dear readers on a mission to heal,

Herbal botanicals are vegetables with power and pizazz. They are one of the greatest keys to healing the cells and systems of the body, especially when following a personalized food and herbal protocol that aims to strengthen and regenerate the genetically and lifestyle-weakened areas of one’s body. Because taking herbal botanicals have been such a key in my holistic healing, the past few years I have added herbal botanicals to my bountiful backyard organic food garden and it has been such a grounding, healing, and nourishing experience.

Planting seeds, watching them sprout and flourish and then harvesting the leaves and/or roots to make herbal teas in order to support further healing and cellular regeneration has been such a beautiful blessing in my life. Herbal botanicals have been a key support in my recovery from chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, and various neurological symptoms that I had years ago when living a toxic and acidic lifestyle. I have been taking quality herbs for the past 5 years on and off and I feel their beautiful regenerative abilities within my body. Wildcrafted herbs are vegetables with a punch. They are so potent with nourishing because they are untamed, unmodified, non hybrydized, organic, wild, and have roots that dig deep into the ground filtering water through their intricate root systems. The more we lean into being nurtured by the wild and untamed the more we align with the natural ways of the wild and our bodies to bring forth true health physically and emotionally. They represent the strength, power, resilience, and potency of a forest. When we consume medicinal herbs we are consuming the resilience of the lands and develop the metaphorical strong roots interwoven and interconnected with the earth. Their grounding presence when being near them and also consuming their leaves, stems, and roots is important, especially for those who feel ungrounded and lacking discernment feeling like they are floating wherever the wind takes them without drive or confidence. They ground in strength and toughness bringing wildness to the soul in reconnection to the animals we are. The spiritual and physical benefits of herbal botanicals are many and are empowering to those who partake in Earth medicine practice.

From seed I have planted and harvested organic ashwaganda, burdock, lemon balm, echinacea, valerian, marshmallow, mint, calendula, cayenne pepper, sage, oregano, dill, parsley, cilantro, celery, and more. I dry them out by hanging them on the wall or by drying them in the dehydrator at a low temperate below 118 degrees Celsius (to not damage the integrity and nutrients of the herbs). I like to make teas out of them or grind up into a powder to add to smoothies. These can be stored in mason jars in a dark cooler area of the house. To prepare the herbs, a teaspoon or so of the dried tea can be put into a kettle with water and brought to a boil for a few minutes which can then be strained into a mug. Making the teas allows the botanical properties to be absorbed into the water. I often allow the tea to cool down instead of drinking it hot because the body does not respond well to hot foods or liquids and can even be inflammatory to some.

My herbs grow in a wild permaculture style near my organic vegetable and fruit garden that I plant and nurture yearly in order to mimic the natural ways of a forest which many herbs can be found growing wild. It is truly such a blessing to have one’s own food and medicine that is gifted of and from the earth. I highly recommend finding out what herbs grow in your climate zone, buy the seeds and plant them outdoors in soil and compost. Water the seeds daily and watch them sprout. It usually takes herbs to sprout longer than it takes vegetable seeds to sprout, so patience is important and valuable. Growing one’s own food and herbal botanicals is easier and more intuitive than one may think and the body, mind and spirit benefits are incredible. The beauty of perennial herbs is that they return year after year to nurture the ecosystem and your health. Instead of going to a pharmacy, one can visit the land of Earth and see what healing the lands can offer for you. Nature always has the path open to the way towards wellness.

If you cannot grow your own herbal botanicals, then it is vital to purchase them from a quality, organic, and wildcrafted source that takes extra are of the planting, growing, harvesting, and packaging of their herbs for best overall potency and effects.

As a Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner I thoroughly enjoy writing personalized detailed food and herbal protocols for my clients that are specific to their exact health symptoms, needs, and goals. I use the original methods of a holistic approach in order to support multiple organs and body systems at once because they are interconnected in constant support of one another. When one system is down then most likely other organs, glands, and tissues may be weakened as well and need that synchronistic support from the herbs. Chronic and systemic acidosis can be found throughout the body and so it is important to detoxify, strengthen, and regenerate the body holistically. Feel free to contact me by email ( or through the consultation contact form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as a detoxification guide and information on the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I am here to support you and to help you reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control and ownership of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered

In natural empowered wellness and love,


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