Surround Yourself With the Food, Places, and People That Help Nourish Your Wellness

One of the keys in our wellness journey is to surround ourselves with the food, places and people that nourish our holistic natural wellness and vibrant Life. We become what we eat, where we visit, and the people in our lives we see on a daily basis. It is vital to search out, consciously focus on, and choose these aspects of life that support our growth, healing, nurturing, and abundance of the health of the body, mind, and spirit. This means to mindfully and carefully be able to discern what supports our wellbeing and what destroys our wellbeing, and choosing with gratitude consistently cells, self, and spirit nourishing foods, places and people. What we eat, think, say, do, and believe shapes our entire perspective and lens through which we relate to the world- and this shapes your entire past, present and future. Over the past few years I have been bringing into my life more wellness resonance, and less and less of any aspects that bring me down physically and spiritually. I will share what I have learned through this life cleansing process

☀️Surrounding yourself with nourishing food: If we want to eat better, then buy better and see better. If at home we are surrounded with fruits and greens in the fridge, pantry, and kitchen counter then we will be more energetically drawn to that because our bodies tend to align with what we see and the space we live within on a daily basis. Make a focused effort to buy clean healthy whole plant foods at grocery stores. Also if we see others eating nourishing smoothies, juices, fruit bowls, and salads around us then often times we will be drawn to those vibrant colors, sweet smells, and healing joyful meals. If at home we are surrounded by processed foods and drinks, junk food, coffee, alchohol, as well as animal products, and other low-energy dis-ease inducing food items then the energetics of the body can lower as well to match with the surroundings and be drawn to these toxic substances. Throw out the crap (if it’s yours). The eyes are such important pathways to making sense and finding connection with the world around us. To connect with health means to consciously connect with the fruits/greens that provide nourishment in your home space and work space thar we visually and energetically see on a daily basis. I choose to only buy fruits and greens to nourish my Life!

☀️Surrounding yourself with nourishing places: The next key in enhancing your wellness path and healing is to surround yourself with the places that bring joy, bliss, playfulness, awe, fascination, a sense of wonder, tranquility, and grounding to your body, mind and soul. Environment externally helps shape our environment internally. Even if we don’t yet live in our desired location due to certain blockages we need to clear, then make space in your life for walks along a beach, forest, meadow, backyard garden, botanical garden, river, ocean, or whatever natural wild around you. Also, the space we create in our home is just as important as the places we choose to vist. Create space and delve into nature places that are filled with oxygen, greenery, openness, sunshine, coziness, simplicity, natural non toxic products, with minimal/no distractions, plastics, fake noise, chemicals, synthetic materisl, ect. Set boundaries with toxic smells, noise, people, or energies from entering your space if you don’t want them to, because our space is sacred and divine. Where/how we live within our space and where we go sends singnals of either clutter/chaos or cleansing/peace. This aspect greatly desides our state of wellness. I choose to make my home space serene, colorful, sunny, natural, and plant filled, and my backyard filled with flowers, fruits and greens. I choose to visit, connect and meditate with nature barefoot every week to support my holistic wellness

☀️Surrounding yourself with nourishing people: This is a major aspect in our holistic wellness journey that may be the most difficult at times. The people we see, spend time with and interact with on a daily basis indirectly help shape our world view, attitudes, lifestyle, food choices, mindset, and beliefs about food, money, society, ect. Jaded, pessimistic, and fear-inducing people lower our wellness by lowering our mood, joy, and ultimately shaping our subconscious in the same programmed fear driven patterns. Especially those that either laugh, dimmish, or disrespect us for choosing a natural lifestyle of wellness; healthy boundaries need to be set for your better good. Learn to detach and let go when possible of those that bring you down and are deeply stuck in the unhealthy programs and patterns. May they find peace, joy, health, and passion in their soul one day. Optimistic, abundance/growth mindset, health conscious, nature and soverign loving people inspire that spark within us becoming more self motivated to take better care of our bodies and thoughts, and focused on our soul’s dreams. Find community of like-minded people that support your detoxification wellness journey, will eat nourishing plants with you, and that want to see you thrive. We become who we surround ourselves with because we psychologically subconsciously mimic mirror our surroundings and our peers. I choose the best I can to surround myself with friends and family members that inspire, support, nourish, and help blossom my wellness journey of the body, mind and spirit! I am beyond grateful for those in my life that align in beautiful resonance.

We shape our life by the way we create our life. By what we see and surround ourselves with on a daily and weekly basis. If you are struggling, feel stuck, or feel powerless in your life then take small steps little by little to surround yourself with the food, places and people that bring wellness into your life and you. You are the most important person in your life that is worthy of body, mind and spirit nourishing at a level beyond what we believe we are capable of. We have all grown up with very limiting beliefs, matrix programs and patterns that caused us to surround ourselves with toxic foods, places and people. It is time to unravel that, deprogram that, and change that.

Consciously, with focus, discipline and care. Sickness and suffering will not change if we don’t change what we choose to lean into and what we choose to let go and let flow. The toxic structure of society has led us very astray, but rememeber thar here we are alive and breathing and therefore still able to shape, create, and manifest our wellness into something joyful, sustainable, holistic, and rooted in the ultimate form of self-care. Surround yourself with the blossoming fruits of sweetness, and life will get that much sweeter and more potent. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and so what we see everyday is a vital aspect of either supporting or stiffling our spirit and wellness journey.

My mission on this Earth is to continue to help others plant, water, and blossom the wisdom, critical thinking, discernment, discipline, resilience, and ability to care deeply about their body, lifestyle, Earth, and the animals to delve into the holistic healing journey living fruitfully and healthfully. Reach out to me for any more guidance that will uplift your health, lifestyle, and attract more sweet goodness into your life by helping you surrounding yourself with the food, places and people that nourish your true wellness and happiness. I would love to work with you one on one to help unlock your greatest health potential and purpose 💚☀️

Feel free to contact me by email ( or through the consultation contact form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me that goes over your health history, symptoms, needs and goals and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on the holistic health assessment, as well as a detoxification guide and information on the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I also provide health and emotional coaching and support during the course of the cleanse. I am here to support you compassionately and to help guide you to reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control and ownership of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a dis-eased disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered. To help make your beautiful and abundant dreams come true so you can step into your higher Self, potential, abilities, talents, joys, and mission in life. 

In natural empowered wellness and love,

Anett (Owner of Heal Empowered, Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner, and Certified Family Herbalist)

Disclaimer: The contents of Heal Empowered such as the text contained on this website (“Content”) are for informational and educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or a health emergency you may be experiencing. Neither the information nor the products on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. The contents are here to educate, inspire, motivate, and offer guidance in alignment with personal responsibility rooted in empowerment and sovereignty.

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