The Importance of Soaking Up The Sunshine During Winter

One of the most important free self care and healing practices that many people forget about is to bathe your skin in the sun all year long. No matter where you live or what temperature it is, when it is a sunny day (or even a cloudy day) I encourage you to step outside for a walk and expose as much skin as you can to the sunlight. Even exposing the skin on your face to warm sunshine is an important way to reconnect with the energetics of the Earth and atmosphere as well as to take in the vital nourishment the sun provides. One of the best holistic healing practices is to take deep breaths facing the sunshine and feel immense gratitude that you get to experience this beauty. Sunshine is the generator of Earthly life force energy. It gives warmth, energy, nourishment, food, sustanance, joy, light, strength, inspiration, health, rejuvenation, regeneration of the the body’s neurological battery and a catalyst to the ascension of the soul. Everyday I take a walk outdoors no matter what temperature it is and expose my face, hands, palms to the Sun.

The benefits I feel when soaking in the sunshine include:

☀️ Immediate sense of joyfullness and playfulness

☀️ A boost of energy, especially if feeling tired

☀️ A feeling of warmth within my heart and soul

☀️ A feeling of inspiration for my soul mission

☀️ An interconnection to all creation of the Universe and Mamma Earth

☀️ A feeling of peace in the divine presence

☀️ A sense of immense gratitude for Life and all experiences

☀️ A release and letting go of any tension, stress, worry

☀️ A catalyst of lymphatic flow as the sun’s warmth can produce sweating and cellular waste release through the skin

☀️ A process of detoxification of calcification within the glands, bones, and organs, specifically the pineal gland

☀️ The healthful benenfits that come along with getting sufficient Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone that the body produces when the layers of skin soak in the sun’s UVB rays. The UVB rays from the sun convert 7-DHC, a substance present in our skin, into pre-vitamin D3. The more healthy sun exposure we have the more successful this conversion process is. Once pre-vitamin D3 is produced it is converted into vitamin D3 and assimilated in the liver and kidneys as to create a biologically active form useable in our bodies (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3). It is a vital component of calcium utilization for healthy bones, veins/arteries, and connective tissues. It also helps regulate and strengthen the neurological system and muscles of the body as it works synergistically with other minerals. Mineral utilization (with the help of the parathyroid) from the fruits and greens we eat is also important to stabilize mood and help us feel happier and more at peace. Vitamin D3 is also a hormone that supports healthy immune system function/lymphatic flow and effective internal cleansing. Sunbathing along with sweating is a wonderful tool to help ease the burden on the kidneys, by opening up the skin’s elimination pathways in releasing toxins and acids.

The sun is the ultimate energizer of all cells, including emotionally. It also detoxes and nourishes our third-eye/pineal gland which often gets calcified through flouride/chlorine ingestion and lack of sunlight entering our pupils. A calcified pineal gland can lead to hormonal and emotional imbalances and feeling of apathy. Sunlight is very healthy for the skin and eyes! Too often the media and various industry interests will warn people that sunlight is dangerous, without offering actual solutions to heal the skin and internal body. A sick body will get burned because of internal acidosis which already tends to burn the cells and therefore will burn more easily when exposed to sunlight. Once the body is cleaned then one will see how beautifully vital Sunlight is to the nourishment of all Life – the Spirit, Cells, Self. Also, it has been observed and felt that looking (sungazing) at sunrises and sunsets when the sun is closer to the horizon is very nourishing for the eyes, brain, and neurological system and the spirit for a sense of calmness, grounding, rejuvenation, and a reminder of eternal changes, shifts, ebbs and flows, and seasons. If you are feeling a low mood, low energy, any pains, symptoms, or sorrow, then I urge you to get into into nature and into the warming incredible sunlight that can soothe the body, soul and mind 🙏☀️💗 This sunbathing practice in alignment with a personalized food and herbal protocol will joyfully help guide you in your healing journey of empowerment and reclamation of wellness.

Feel free to contact me by email ( or through the consultation contact form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as an educational detoxification guide and information on the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration to help you in practically applying your personalized protocol on a daily basis. I also provide health and spiritual coaching and support during the course of the cleanse. I am here to support you compassionately and to help guide you to reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control and ownership of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered. To help make your beautiful, healthy, abundant dreams come true so you can step into your higher Self, potential, abilities, talents, joys, passions, and mission in life. Your body always wants to heal, and we are here to nurture and nourish that

In natural empowered wellness and love,

Anett (Owner of Heal Empowered, and Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Specialist/Practitioner)

Disclaimer: The contents of Heal Empowered such as the text contained on this website (“Content”) are for informational and educational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or a health emergency you may be experiencing. Neither the information nor the products on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. The contents are here to educate, inspire, motivate, and offer guidance in alignment with personal responsibility rooted in empowerment and sovereignty.

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