fruit, raspberries, blueberries

What You Consume Your Cells Consume

Dear readers on a mission to heal,

Remember that every single time you eat or drink something each of your trillions of cells within your body are also eating or drinking the same thing. Your cells, organs, glands, tissues are all part of a large factory system comprised of a highway of lymph, blood and nerves. The blood helps bring the food you consume into the cells and the lymph is the sewage plumbing system that removes/eliminates the waste out of cells (once the food is digested, absorbed, + utilized) – similar to how we humans go to the bathroom to remove the waste after eating. Cells also poop out waste. I imagine them as tiny little people that have their own bodies that consume, play out their roles, and go to the bathroom

All of our cells work hard to keep all systems functioning and in proper structure. They all have their individual roles as part of the collective whole. All vital energetically and physically to keep your body systems operating, running smoothly and living. They are your amazing little workers, per say, that are working 24/7 to keep you alive/breathing. To keep you eliminating the waste from your kidneys, skin, and bowels. To make sure your cells are well fed and hydrated as well as to maintain a homeostasis of pH in the blood and other cells. They work for us mutually and with love. They are our greatest friends and allies. They must be strong, well, and cared for to function properly so all jobs are ran in this spectacular symbiotic relationship we have with them

Now imagine you are the CEO of a large factory with many people working for you. And they all have various important roles to play out to ensure that the factory is running well as a large cohesive system. You want each person to feel well, energized, happy, and not miss many days in order to get the necessary tasks complete. You want all conveyer belts (highways) to be running smoothly and without stagnation and blockages. You want all structures and functions of the large operation to be organized, maintained and healthy. Would you feed them burgers, soda, and other processed toxic high fat meals? Would you feed them fried foods greasy in oils and salts? Would you feed them alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine/other drugs which would make them crash and cause them to fall asleep on the job? Would you not allow any rest, relaxation, nature and sleep? Would you make them take toxic pills and shots that would harm their bodies and slow them down? Or would you want to feed them nourishing abundant fresh meals of fruits and veggies? And give them the respect, care and gratitude along with allowing them to sleep/rest and to go outdoors to nature during relaxing breaks? And give them hydrating energizing raw juices and smoothies packed with healing herbs, fruits and greens? I’m sure the latter. Logically it makes complete sense

The better you feed your self is the better you feed your cells. And the better you feed your cells means the better they will function and maintain proper structure of your biological, anatomical and energetic systems of the body. The better they will be hydrated and kept alkaline while efficiently removing the toxic waste, unwanted pathogens, mucous, acids and buildup thanks to the support of raw fruits, greens and herbs. The more the blockages are removed from the elimination pathways the better the roles can be aligned and in tune with their specific jobs while the nutrients and waste products can be moved to and from with ease. This is the key to long-term sustainable health.

Love your cells and feed/treat them well. You will be then amazed at how well your body systems/cells start working and functioning cohesively, efficiently, regeneratively, with ease and more vitality than ever before

Feel free to contact me by email or through the consultation form on this website under the ‘Health Consultations & Protocols’ tab in order to set up a holistic health phone consultation with me and receive a 1-month detailed and personalized food and herbal botanical protocol based on your body’s health needs, and goals as well as the vital core principles of original natural full-body cellular detoxification and regeneration. I am here to support you and to help you reclaim your ability to self-heal and take back control of your health, wellness, energy, and life from a disempowered state to a beautiful inner state of healing and feeling empowered

With love and true health,

Anett (Certified Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration Practitioner)

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